Wood in the Studio…again

photo 5aI am working on a chandelier for a friend.  Not the kind of chandelier your mom had in her formal dining room.  No.  This one will be cool.

There has been a lot of interest in re-purposing wine barrels into useful, functional items for the home.  With that in mind we are making a chandelier for the foyer for their home, from a wine barrel.

But there is the problem… it will be big.  And finding the right size barrel stays to use was going to be a challenge.

Is there solution?  Yes there is!   As always, make them my self.

Now I don’t plan to make a barrel and then take it apart…it could be done,  just not by me.

I am just making the barrel stays.  (the oak slats that make up a barrel)

Now I can have them whatever size I want and control the all aspects of the design.photo 2a

I have been drying some 2 x 12 oak for over two years.  It seems ready to go, I just need to cut it into curved strips.  Ah ..there is the rub.

I have a bandsaw…but it has 16 teeth to the inch.   Not great for cutting a hardwood.  But with one phone call I am the proud owner of a blade with just 6 teeth to the inch.  And it makes short work of the oak slab.

My bandsaw also has a 2 inch square deck…also not good for cutting wood.

But what the heck.  Keep moving forward.

photo 4aCutting all the strips seems to take only about 30 min.  the saw worked great.

The metal shavings under the saw were excited to meet something new, aka wood shavings.

I have rolled the 36 inch ring for the center, so now comes the fun part of figuring out how to make it all go together.

I’ll be sure to include some photos of the finished piece.


Oh and by the way…the place smells great after all that wood cutting.


If you have any suggestions, or comments,  drop me a line at my email


or just use the form below.


PS.  For you regular readers,  I have not finished the scroll project.  I am just waiting for some parts to be cut.  I’ll definitely have photos for you shortly.
